Category Archives: Conferences
Bruce Damer on virtual worlds from 1998
Bruce Damer (who presented at Virtual World SIG on Mar. 26, 2007 ) leads a virtual world demo at a UC Santa Cruz class at dating from May 7, 1998. Bruce is introduced by Bonnie DeVarco currently working on … Continue reading
IBM hosts 3-day Rational Software Dev. Conference at Codestation
Got word of an IBM “Meet the Experts” session being held in Second Life(tm) June 2, 3, and 4. It is part of their Rational Software Development Conference going on in Orlando, FL and sounds really interesting. It looks like … Continue reading
Philip Rosedale at US House of Representatives: Subcommittee on Telecommunications
Philip Rosedale spoke at the US House of Representatives’ Subcommittee on Telecommunications and the Internet yesterday, April 1. I thought it was an April fools joke at first, but this is real. Audio and video is here: Philip starts … Continue reading