“Entering the Digital Landscape 2010: Metaio Augmented Reality”
On February 22, 2010 the Virtual World SIG continues our exploration of the augmented reality space with a full evening of demos by the leader in the augmented reality category – metaio Inc. (http://www.metaio.com).
Metaio designs, develops and markets solutions that allow virtual 3D information to be superimposed seamlessly into the real environment in real-time. This is the company behind the most innovative and successful augmented reality (AR) integrations in marketing, point of purchase product information, and manufacturing. Their clients include Siemens, Audi, BMW, Mini, Bosch, GM, Daimler, Toyota, VW, Lego, Adidas, Earthmine, Popular Science, and has partnered with 6 or more research projects in the space.
Over the last 3 years augmented reality has severed its tether to the laptop and jumped onto mobile devices in a big way. In 2009 Metaio debuted the pioneering social augmented reality platform, Junaio (http://www.junaio.com) on the iPhone App Store. Their recently released Junaio API (http://www.junaio.com/index/cpapi) enables localized tours, scavenger hunts, user interaction with 3D objects, responsive localized points of interest (POI’s), non-player characters, historical education modules and of course, local business finders.
In this session Nora Guldemond will be demoing:
– Mobile augmented reality (junaio and markerless tracking)
– Social augmented reality (junaio on iPhone and soon, Android)
– Online (use-case and the Unifeye Viewer Xtra, plus mobile versions for iPhone, Symbian and Windows Mobile)
– Development environment (SDK for PC / Mobile / API for junaio)
If you’ve only read the headlines, you haven’t seen the abilities of augmented reality in their most practical applications (the “magic book” that opens to become a virtual world must be seen to be believed). Join us on February 22 to push the boundaries of what is and what will be possible, learn about what metaio describes as “the world’s first “AR city”, and find out what VentureBeat meant when they said, “Watch this space“.
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Noora Guldemond is the Head Sales & Marketing at Metaio Inc. Noora joined metaio GmbH in 2007, after which she was
involved in the development of metaio’s sales within Europe and has been extensively involved with the company’s pioneering outreach in the space. Today Noora serves as Head of Sales & Marketing at the San Francisco office of metaio, Inc. where she is responsible for North America. She has been a leader in the evangelism of augmented reality for three years, speaking at Inside Mobile, Interactive Advertising Bureau’s MIXX Con, Podi Digital Printing Initiative, The Economist Media Convergence Forum, and chaired the workshop “Manufacturing the Future: Use of Mixed and Augmented Reality in Design and Manufacturing” at ISMAR 2009. Twtter: @metaioUS
6:30 PM – 9:00 PM February 22, 2010
Pillsbury Winthrop
2475 Hanover St.
Palo Alto,, CA
Pillsbury Winthrop Office Silicon Valley
2475 Hanover Street
Palo Alto, CA 94304-1114
6:30 PM Registration and Networking
7:00 PM -8:40 PM Presentations
$15 at the door for non-SDForum members
No charge for SDForum members
No registration required
At time of event go to http://www.digitalmediasig.com for media streams if available.