Virtual Worlds—The Rules of Engagement
This SDForum event set the precedent for the formation of the Virtual World SIG.
9:00 AM – 5:00 PM May 4, 2006
Mixed Reality Event
Pre-registration is now unavailable.
Registration will be available at the door.
The lines between the “real” world and the virtual world are blurring. There are millions of dollars flowing through virtual economies for goods and services ranging from realestate and clothing, to in-world concerts and book signings. With all that money on the table it’s a huge opportunity for investors, entrepreneurs and even marketers!
Join SDForum on May 4 as we explore the new Virtual Economy and its implication.
This will be a mixed reality event. Join us live at the Computer History Museum or in-world at Innovation Island Click Here for SLurl
Confirmed Speakers
8:30am – 9:00am Registration and Continental Breakfast
9:00am – 9:45am Keynote- The Rules of Engagement
Philip Rosedale, CEO, Second Life
10:00am – 10:45am In-World Culture
Daniel Terdiman, Reporter, CNET
Nicole Lazzaro, President, XEODesign
Susan Choe, CEO, StrayFish
Wagner James Au,In-World Journalist, SecondLife
Danah Boyd, Social Media Research at Yahoo! Research Berkeley and PhD student in School of Information, University of California-Berkeley
11:00am – 11:45am The Virtual World Value Chain
Sharon Wienbar, Managing Director, BA Venture Partners
Daniel James, CEO, Three Rings
Shital Mehta, Founding Partner, Shanth Interactive
Alex St. John, CEO, WildTangent
Sibley Verbeck, CEO, Electric Sheep
12:00pm – 12:45pm Lunch
Special Video by Philip Torrone, Make Magazine
1:00pm – 1:45pm Navigating the Road Ahead
Kevin Efrusy, General Partner, Accel
Jerry Paffendorf, Futurist in Residence, Electric Sheep Company and Research Director, Acceleration Studies Foundation
Jeff Sandquist, GM Developer Platform Evangelism, Microsoft
Reuben Steiger, CEO, Millions of Us
2:00pm – 2:45pm Business Models and Monetization
Michael Kim, Partner, Rustic Canyon
Corey Bridges, Co-founder, Executive Producer and Marketing Director, Multiverse
Shawn Carolan, Managing Director, Menlo Ventures
Sean Ryan, CEO, Donnerwood Media
John Welch, CEO, Playfirst
3:00pm – 3:45pm Keynote
Will Harvey, CEO, IMVU
4:00pm – 4:45pm Keynote – The Future of the Metaverse
Joi Ito, VP of International and Mobility, Technorati and Chairman, Six Apart Japan
5:30pm – 7:00pm Reception: Crown Plaza Hotel, Palo Alto
The reception is brought to you by Acceleration Studies Foundation and Millions of Us. Meet the industry experts planning the metaverse roadmap.
Event Logistics
Computer History Museum
1401 N Shoreline Blvd.
Mountain View, CA 94043
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